The Message will strike only those who still carry a spark of Truth within themselves, and the longing really to be human.
Foreword of the Grail Message “For Your Guidance”
He who bears within himself the firm volition for what is good, and strives to lend purity to his thoughts, has already found the way to the Highest!
Lecture: What seek ye?
The person, however, who is able to think earnestly, will immediately recognize that just in the strict, uncompromising demand for attentive thinking lies the best, what mankind, already so deeply entangled in its spiritual indolence, needs for salvation!
Lecture: The call for the Helper
Every single one must experience the way to the Light within himself, he must discover it himself if he wishes to walk upon it safely. Only what a man experiences within himself, what he perceives in all its transformations, has he fully grasped!
(Lecture: Awake! ‘In the Light of Truth’)
I speak neither to churches and political parties, nor to orders, sects, and societies, but merely in all simplicity to man himself. Far be it from me to topple anything existing; for I build up, complete hitherto unsolved questions, which everyone must carry within himself, as soon as he thinks only a little.
Lecture: Errors